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Shitty cardigans!

I think moths were involved...
$L60 per cardigan, $L240 for the full pack. A:S:S


Make Him Over Hunt 1-30 june

I'm participating in the MHO Hunt starting on June 1:st. It's a hunt dedicated entirely to mens and unisex fashion and has a whole bunch of stores participating.

Here's the cardigan that's gonna be my contribution, and you can read more about the hunt here: http://makehimover.blogspot.com/

Tiny tiny shorts and striped leggings

$L75 for a single colour set, or $L250 for the fatpack. ^^


Racerback tanks

Ok.. I've been a bit lazy lately. But here's 8 new racerback tanks. Comes in packs of two for $L65. Yay, bargain.


New T-shirts

$L50 per shirt, except for the Shortbus one which is freeeee! Yay. A:S:S - Your favourite stupid t-shirt shop!

Your boyfriends sweater!

You know when you wake up at your boyfriends place, and he has gone to work, and you put on his sweater, even though it's waaaay too big, just because it smells like him?

Well.. here it is. ^^
Comes in 4 variations, $L70.
Get it at the A:S:S mainstore.



Star cardigans

All layers, unisex, copy/mod, $60 per cardigan or $L200 for the fatpack. A:S:S


Jeans, both layers, $L80 at A:S:S
The pink ones though, is just $L10 today! Up until I go to bed tonight. So come and grab them now. ^^

6 am

Right outta bed. ^^

Slouchy briefs and tank in all layers, $L80 at A:S:S